>> Ո૯ως : UPDATE OF SDiAR VER.1.321618720143181418 INCOMING...
>> ALIAS: ɱ૦ՆՆע ૯ՐɿՈ ɱ८८คՐ੮Һע
>> BORN: 1995
>> RESEARCH AREAS: landscape / world-building / regionality / digital anthropology & internet culture / materiality.
>> {{ molmor - a.k.a molly erin mccarthy - works across sculpture, installation, digital and interactive media to consider how we form, and are formed by, the physical and philosophical landscapes we reside in. }}
>> {{ They create cryptic worlds and artefacts existing somewhere between fact and fiction; questioning ideas of reality, progress and power, and exploring how these values are constructed to serve particular interests. Molmor incorporates references to Cornwall and y2k techno-utopianism across their work; inspired by growing up in a working class family on the border of the region during the boom of technology in the early 2000s,
>> Akin to contemporary myth-making, molmor’s practice utilises a method known as ~ ‘forensic storytelling’ ~ a fiction process used heavily in theme parks and video games in which narrative is delivered through fragments and environmental clues. This enables them to layer wide ranging research into their work, connecting regional issues with global contexts and universal concerns. Drawing on their love of internet culture and gaming, molmor creates multimedia experiences for viewers to actively untangle, encouraging a sense of mystery and critical curiosity...}}