>> 2020, GIF series,
>> accessing mythbank...
>> loading data...
>> {{ Taking the form of 16 .GIF files, PROJECT MECHA:HEART layers science-fiction writing & 3D animation into a series of digital collages. Playing like a post-internet graphic novel, the series asks what crises society might face as a result of further virtualisation.
Presented from the perspective of ADA-2k, a biomechanical android who awakens one day with no memory of her origin, PROJECT MECHA:HEART combines Y2K, internet, & video game aesthetics with infographic style compositions. Drawing on hauntological themes, the work considers the idea that the agendas of tech corporations have stolen our future & rewritten our past.
In this sense, ADA-2k serves to contrast to the sea of doppelganger avatars seen on social media, which often only aim to replicate an individual persons physical appearence. ADA-2k is a shared vessel, into which we can implant fact & fiction informed by both our experiences as workingclass women, our childhoods growing up on Web 2.0, & our contemporary relationships with technology.
This process acts like a poetic scrambler, a retaliation against surveillance capitalism’s commodification of individuals through the harvesting of their data.
PROJECT MECHA:HEART was commisioned as part of State of Emergency, a series of micro commisions from The Box, Plymouth. }}